I finally found a pediatrician and took Paul in for his 4 month appointment, just a little late! He is officially a very big boy! He was 21 lb 13 oz and 29 inches long. They said he was over the 95th percentile for both, I looked online and the 95th percentile is 20.5 lbs and 28 inches. The doctor was impressed with his size (of course the doctor was a little thing, I could have made just about two of her, Ruthanne may be close to her height!).
Paul can sit up a bit, can roll from back to tummy but often gets his arm stuck under him, and has one tooth (and working on the second). We will be starting cereal soon, I bought some Saturday but then couldn't find the baby spoons, so I need to keep looking. I'm not sure he will be impressed, he thought I was a little crazy trying to give him grape flavored tylenol (for his two shots) and we know that tastes way better than rice cereal!
9 years ago
Wow! He ways the same as Madeleine! At least, where she was at for her 2 year appointment 2 months ago, hopefully she's added another pound or two since.
What are you feeding that boy? What I would give to have a little extra on my kids even at 2 Kyla weighs 23lbs.so if you don"t mind will you share.
That is crazy ya'll! I thought it was funny he weighs more than his 1 year old cousin, but two year olds! Ya'll have peanuts! At least I'm building those arm muscles, right?
By the way, I do know how to spell 'weighs' - a 2 year old distraction prevented me from thinking straight! And Madeleine is a tiny little thing - she definitely has a little gymnast body.
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