Monday, July 27, 2009
Paul's Blessing
As a side note, Paul tried on the blessing outfit on Sunday and it barely fit. John was about 3 months when he was blessed and Paul will be 3 months 1 week when he is blessed. We decided that the outfit was not likely to still fit in 3 weeks, so he gets his own blessing outfit!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
We’ll get to that part later.
First here is Paul talking to his monkey.
Remember this pic? Paul was just a few days old here.
Here is Paul with the monkey today. And, yes, it is the same monkey! Paul is about 2.5 months old.
Now is where the annoyed part comes in. Ruthanne and John come in to see what is going on. You know, I can only disappear for about 5 minutes before someone starts wondering what I could be doing! They start loving on Paul and giving him all of his playthings while I’m changing his crib sheet. At first it was fun, see here:
But in this next picture Paul is giving me a “what are you letting them do to me” face!
Sorry Paul, your older siblings love you too much!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Kids at 2 Months
Well, Paul is over two months now and had his 2 month appointment last week. I think he is the biggest so far! He was 15 lbs 5.5 oz and 25 inches long. 95th percentile for height and weight! I’m pretty sure the other kids were only 24 inches at two months. Anyhow, I thought it would be fun to dig up pictures of all the kids from around the same age. It is hard to see if they look similar or not. It seems to depend on the face they were making for the picture.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Whole Wheat Blender Pancakes
1 heaping cup whole wheat berries/kernels (not flour)
1 heaping tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp baking soda
2 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
Pour milk and wheat into a blender. Blend for 4 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and blend. For each pancake, pour 1/4 cup batter onto a hot, oiled griddle. Cook on both sides until golden. Makes about 20 pancakes.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Swimming Lessons
Ruthanne has finally started swimming lessons. Before now I think it would have been too much of a fight (and even now she is giving her teacher a little grief) but at least now she wants to go.
Here she is before the first dunk!
She is a surprisingly good floater.
Once her teacher got her comfortable in the noodle today, she actually did pretty good paddling with her arms.
John goofing around during the lessons. We will have to start him swimming sometime. Maybe Fort Gordon will have some year round lessons, I think there is an indoor pool there.
Some Sunday Pictures
Just a couple pictures of the kids with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday. Don’t you like how Paul is trying to punch the camera?
4th of July Fun!
We went over to Grandma & Grandpa’s house for the 4th. We played outside in the water and with balloons.
Paul, of course, just laid around!
I wish he would find his thumb!
Grandma tried to show the kids it was fun to run through the sprinklers! My kids are wimps and are too afraid of water getting in their eyes. They got plenty wet regardless though!
Fun with the water table and sprinkler overhead.
Grandpa and Ruthanne with the balloons.
No fireworks this year; I couldn’t handle it by myself. Hopefully next year the kids will get to see some!
Luke in his Navy Khakis
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Cute Scripture Idea
You have to buy her special sticker paper and then she has the files all set up for free that you can print here.
Cute huh?
Friday, July 3, 2009
Bigger Photos
Anyways, all of the pictures on the blog are saved to a picassa album here. I've made it public. The most recent pictures are at the bottom of the album. So, if you can't click on a pic, you should be able to there.
Why aren't my pictures clickable?
Almost Forgot about Luke!
So, the graduation was in the gym and I drove myself to the graduation. Luke did not tell me where he would be in the line so I just sat down and started looking at all the people dressed exactly the same. Luckily I eventually found him in the Where's Waldo of a military graduation. Will you be able to spot him in these pictures?
Here he is at the beginning of graduation.
Getting ready for the parade (marching around the gym).
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Who can help me make these?
Paul Again!
Paul with Mimi.
Paul with Aunt Kathy.
Paul with Maga (another great-grandmother). He was talking up a storm to her in this picture.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
John the Troublemaker!
First, we were finally able to go outside one afternoon and swing at Mamom's house. The kids of course water everything with the water hose and then John starts playing in the dirt. This dirt is so fine, its like charcoal gray powdered sugar! Here is the end result:
This is how he got that way!
Ruthanne's Birthday(s)
A birthstone statue (per Ruthanne)
A new nightgown.
Tossing aside a gift to see what else is in the bag!
Blowing out the six candle on the cupcakes that she helped make and frost!