Wednesday, September 8, 2010

$38 OOP for Wheat Grinder - Should I do it?

I'm tired of paying big bucks for white whole wheat flour. I've been saving up my Discover Card rewards money and have $125 in gift cards plus one more on the way, making $150 total. Oh, this is Bed Bath and Beyond money. So, if I order a Blendtec Kitchen Mill (its pretty highly rated next to the Nutrimill) at the store and use a 20% off coupon (and assume I have to pay to have it shipped to me since they probably don't have it in stock) then I would have to pay about $38 out of my own pocket. Should I go ahead and do it or wait another month (I could probably get another GC for $25 then)?


Heidi said...

I'd just do it! But, the one thing I've heard about the K-tec is that it makes a pretty big mess and is best used in the friends just don't love it in their kitchens....

The Wilsons said...

Yeah, I'm thinking of doing a bunch of flour at once (like a canister full) and not grinding as I go. I was thinking my back patio or the garage (for noise purposes too).

Jenée's Blog said...

DO IT!!!
I cannot believe you have waited this long anyway... (but I know it's because unlike me, you are a good wife trying to be wise and frugal.)

My only caution to the comments already posted is to beware of weevils. However, if you properly clean up the flour mess, you shouldn't have any problems. ;o)

I am excited for you!!! -I know you deserve this *amazing* kitchen appliance.

Opp Family said...

Did you do it? I'm going to do a Nutrimill buy for my ward sometime the beginning of next year which would be about $50 off (I think) if you didn't go ahead and get this one :)

Opp Family said...

BTW I do not grind as I go either. I grind a whole can at a time (on my back deck) and then freeze the flour. It keeps great and then I'm not constantly grinding :)