Monday, May 11, 2009

The Garden

Finally going to finish this post about the garden at the Wilson's house for Cynthia!

In this picture you mainly see zucchini and yellow squash toward the front. Over on the left there are some bean plants.

You can see the watermelon plant toward the left, two small cantalope plants in the middle and herbs in the corners.
This is the row of tomatoes, there is Mr. Stripey, some roma grape, and some average tomatoes!

Here you see mostly radishes, maybe a yellow bell pepper plant just behind them and then in the very middle of the garden is the cucumber.Here is a bloom on the zucchini plant.
I need to get back over there to look at how it is progressing. Its been about a week since I have seen it.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Yay! I just saw this. I can't believe that garden and all of the things they're growing. A vegetarian's dream! Paul is adorable, by the way. :)