None of us are Mills any more (even though some of us never were, in last name anyways).
7 kids (6.5 and under, but 6 of them are three and under, yikes!) are hard to keep track of.
Dylan enjoys playing with Kara's "statues" so much he will hide away in the bathroom with John who is actually using the potty. We thought Dylan was upstairs, but nope!
Madeleine shares so well, even things like belly lint and used wipes!
Everyone wants a Ruthanne to alert them with the younger kids are into something they aren't supposed to be!
Owen is so cute and mellow.
Paul (7 months) wears a bigger size diaper than Cammie or Madeleine (his 1 year old and 2 year old cousins).
Kayleen is just like me, anal about raw meat safety! Poor Kara was being policed in her own kitchen even though she was following proper protocol!
Cammie is a cute little walker and very even tempered, despite the lack of sleep. Poor Mommy Cassidie though!
Krista is a cute preggo lady and we can't wait to add another kid to our total.
When you are having tons of fun, you forget to take pictures. I accidently left my camera at home and thought, surely between the bunch of us someone would take a picture, but nope!
Just sayin. The catch phrase of the day!
I can't remember the other funny moments we shared today, you girls will have to remind me. The kids are just hilarious! We really should get together more often, once a year just isn't enough! And we missed those who couldn't be there.
10 years ago
That was so much fun to be able to get together today! I thought you did a pretty good job of summing the day up. I am happy someone shares my OCD tendencies. :) I enjoyed seeing y'all and getting to finally meet baby Paul.
I just want the record to show that my hands are absolutely RAW today :)
I loved your post - it is funny how we didn't manage to get one picture - whoops - somebody in the family should be the official photographer.
And to think I thought my house was toddler-proof - hmmm, maybe just not Dylan-proof!
Can I just say - MY FAMILY IS THE COOLEST!!!
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